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Thursday, November 10, 2011

QR Code...What's That?

Scan Me! 

Remember the days when you could simply put a for sale sign in your front yard and within a few days have several offers to purchase, many of which were above asking price?  Unfortunately, those days no longer exist, and homes competing against the foreclosure and short sale inventories can expect to wait several weeks, sometimes even months before getting an offer.  As troubling as today's market may seem, the successful real estate agents are staying up-to-date on new technology, and utilizing it to keep days on market as low as possible.  Qr codes are one example of new technology that The Acors Team has been utilizing, and making our clients' properties stand out from the thousands of other homes currently on the market. 

So what is this funny looking square you ask? Quick Response Codes(QR codes) were originally used in 1994 to effectively track automobiles on the assembly line, however they have more recently been associated as a popular form of "mobile" marketing.  With almost 35% or 85 million mobile phone users having smart phones it has become a highly successful approach to reach out to clients and prospective clients. Users may receive text, add a contact to their phone, open a website, and even compose an email or text message by simply scanning the code, making their utility almost endless.  

 Baltimore based marketing firm MGH recently conducted a survey looking into the effectiveness of QR Codes.  Here are some key findings from their study:

  • 65% of people polled have seen a QR Code
  • Of the 65% that have seen a QR Code 86% were 15-55 years old
  • 49% have scanned a QR Code
  • 89% that have scanned a QR Code have a college degree or higher
  • 70% would scan a QR Code again
The most intriguing and most likely beneficial statistic outlined in this survey is that 31% of people polled, who have seen an ad featuring a QR Code, were Very Likely to remember the ad with 41% were Somewhat Likely to remember it.  Even if a potential buyer does not scan the QR Code, your home now has a 70% higher chance of being remembered over homes not advertised with QR Codes.  Consider the average buyer previewing 10 homes before making a decision; your home is now 7 times more likely to be remember than the other 9.  

When deciding to put your home on the market, make sure to choose agents that don't simply put a sign in the front yard and wait for phone calls,  The Acors Team utilizes QR Codes as well as numerous other channels of marketing on all of their real estate listings.